Conversions to double-entry bookkeeping, strategic development, digitization, process optimization – the future poses many different challenges that have to be overcome. We offer optimal opportunities for support. What we provide: Expertise and experience from hundreds of municipal projects across Germany, and proven experts who provide you with comprehensive consulting and support – no matter whether you need support with project management, process consulting and optimization, organizational consulting, or developing strategic mission statements. If you are already using Infoma newsystem, or want to use the system, our application consultants are also happy to help you introduce and set up the process. Another major benefit for you – this close integration facilitates fast, pragmatic solutions that can easily be implemented in the software.
Clear strategies result in structural changes, ultimately leading to new administrative processes. This demands a holistic approach; our consulting area can support you in many different areas in implementing such an approach. The wealth of experience our team offers allows us to create forward-thinking solutions that go far beyond “just” converting to new municipal accountancy. And our experienced experts also have the newest software concepts to handle optimization and digitization of administrative processes. Such concepts can help your administration manage a growing variety of tasks and provide you the best possible support to help your administration move forward.
Borough of Bobenheim-Roxheim
The Altrhein municipality is well on its way to a digital future with the overall package used.
Hanseatic city of Stade
Lower Saxony
Commitment and a structured project plan to create consolidated financial accounts
Rehna administrative office
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Introduction of double-entry bookkeeping with full support by Axians Infoma
We offer support in