Axians Infoma awarded the Innovation Prize for “Local governments of the future” for the fifth time in 2017. The prize was handed out for innovative and future-oriented local government projects based on Infoma newsystem.
The city of Marsberg utilities were added as a finalist for the Innovation Prize for introducing mobile data capturing. The conversion in this area, which is not typically IT-savvy, especially impressed juror Dr. Jens Weiß from the Harz University of Applied Sciences.
Digitizing order data recording made the complex manual process of order and time recording more efficient for public works employees, and almost paperless as well. Public works employees can now document their work much more simply and quickly directly on site, and capturing data via smartphone is fun as well. The app eliminates the need to enter information twice and take data from paper reports manually, making sporadic typos a thing of the past. Data is now available much more quickly in Infoma newsystem, so that public works managers can use it much more easily to manage the public works department. In addition, time bonuses are generated automatically from the mobile data and the entire invoice can be processed more quickly in the city budget.
The city donated half of its prize money to Seniorentreff e.V. Marsberg and the katholischen Hospizverein Marsberg e.V.