The Axians Infoma Innovation Prize is awarded to one winner and two finalists each year to honor future-oriented local government projects.
The town administration of Borgholzhausen was named a finalist for the Axians Infoma Innovation Prize in 2017 for its project to introduce an invoice workflow and the Infoma ePortal. “The introduction of an electronic creditor workflow in Borgholzhausen is a successful example of a digitization project in a very small local government” concludes juror Dr. Jens Weiß. One reason the city decided to take on the project was to optimize its processing for incoming and outgoing invoices and fee notifications, for instance by eliminating duplicate data recording. The city’s initial foray into electronic processing in administrative processes and its obligation to switch over to eInvoices were also key factors in the decision.
Borgholzhausen distributed its prize winnings of 2,500 euros to the Familienzentrum Borgholzhausen (Borgholzhausen Family Center) and the Fördervereine Violenbachschule Standort Süd und Nord (Volienbach School North and South booster clubs).