Electronic file processing is one of the most important parts of a digital administration. Ulm software provider Axians Infoma has now developed the electronic file as an integrated solution for this purpose. The module allows all documents created in Infoma newsystem financial accounting to be automatically stored and managed in different electronic departmental files, such as tax, finance, or enforcement files. This allows your company to digitize paper-based processes. The Hessen city of Stadtallendorf has been a pilot user of the Infoma newsystem tax file since January 2017. The solution is used there to both route tax decisions and administer other documents required for processes and procedures in the taxes and contributions modules.
As an integral part of Infoma newsystem, the electronic file provides efficient process support in the user’s customary financial accounting environment. Integrated processing of internal and external documents – from citizens, for example – fast and direct access to specific files, and optional tamper-proof archiving of all documents also make work easier.
Axians Infoma focused on intensive collaboration with the city of Stadtallendoft to develop the electronic tax file. “Our goal was to create a software solution to store documents which is closely connected to Infoma newsystem processes,” Mathias Uchtmann, Project Manager of Consulting Innovation and Customization at Axians Infoma says, explaining the joint development phase. “The focus was on the actual work processes themselves, which were handled by administrative clerks.”
Gerion Dörr, IT Project Manager for the City of Stadtallendorf, adds: “The idea for a file solution integrated seamlessly into financial accounting, and the ability to help design the solution right from the start and shape it to fit our needs was a great incentive for our tax employees to collaborate in the project.” The result is a streamlined way to store documents from the taxes and contributions module in a file structure which is fully integrated and linked to Infoma newsystem. Users work only in their customary environments. Electronic tax files from Axians Infoma create a highly-integrated link which is unique in its depth.
Using the integrated solution provides efficient process support to employees in the Stadtallendorf tax department. Work continues to be completed in Infoma newsystem as usual, and assessments are generated when the tax assessment is printed out. The document is automatically stored in the file associated with the taxed object, such as a property or a dog, as a PDF, and is then available for further work or information.
“We are satisfied with the options offered by the electronic tax file” Gerion Dörr concludes on a positive note. “We have been able to file relevant documents, and have almost no media disruptions and rarely need to switch systems.”
Stadtallendorf has already started digitizing old files. This means that as soon as a clerk gets one of these files for processing, it is fully scanned in, stamped with a reference stamp, and is stored in a separate file. This saves both storage space and time, since clerks can then simply check the system if they need, the file, eliminating tedious file searches.