Auf Einladung von Rene Gayer von Learn4NAV werde ich am Freitag, 2.2.18 um 10:30h an einem NAVTALK über NAV und Docker teilnehmen. Das Ganze wird auf Deutsch und in Interviewform stattfinden, d.h. ich werde einige Frage beantworten und Rene und ich stehen dann auch für Fragen der Zuhörer zur Verfügung. Mehr Infos unter
I had the chance to speak at the Dutch Dynamics Community meeting in Utrecht on Jan 10th 2018 (see here for images and slides). It really was a very nice event, perfectly organized and well attended. The content was pretty much the same as in the NavSkills Webinar in December 2017 but the sample for…
With the addition of the new "folder" feature in the NAV Docker images it is now possible to download a .zip in the very beginning of container startup and extract it to a folder. That allows you to make changes to the container logic in about every aspect without the need to map a local…
You might have seen one of the presentations where Microsoft showed their idea of future NAV-based applications: It can be either a Connect App (just connects through a REST WebService API to D365/NAV), an Add-On App (adds functionality to D365/NAV through an extension) or an Embed App (deeply changes how D365/NAV works by embedding code,…
Container, Docker, NAV, on-prem, VS Code | Azure
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