Facilitates fast, secure online payment processes, offering both convenient service for citizens and a boost in efficiency for administration. As the core of the online payment process, the ePayment manager handles preparation of payment requests and provides these in an ePayment portal.
The module, which is integrated into Infoma newsystem, supports both electronic payments, for instance for resident parking permits or civil register information, as well as classic paper-based administrative processes such as invoices, dunning, or notifications. The QR code with data on the payment request direct from financial accounting is printed on the vouchers. A direct payment option with automatic claim settlement helps improve receivables management and lessen administrative workloads.
More detailed information can be found in our flyer about the ePayment manager.
Convenient services included in the Infoma ePortals – from orders to electronic requests for additional funds – allow you to integrate all users in your digital administration process.
As an integral part of financial accounting, the accounting workflow provides a transparent illustration of all procedures in the invoice approval process. Combining it with the eInvoice manager provides you with a consistent digital processing chain for electronic invoice processing.
In addition to the accounting workflow, the eInvoice manager handles structured preparation of eInvoice data in any format, then intelligently enriches it with additional content.
With the online process integrated in consumption charge accounting, consumers can report their meter readings directly to their tax offices. Both sides benefit from this process, with optimized work procedures and convenient citizen services.
Reduce mountains of files, increase processing speeds, and optimize processes – electronic files set the stage. They offer you efficient process support within your normal work application.