I had the chance to speak at the Dutch Dynamics Community meeting in Utrecht on Jan 10th 2018 (see here for images and slides). It really was a very nice event, perfectly organized and well attended. The content was pretty much the same as in the NavSkills Webinar in December 2017 but the sample for…
With the addition of the new "folder" feature in the NAV Docker images it is now possible to download a .zip in the very beginning of container startup and extract it to a folder. That allows you to make changes to the container logic in about every aspect without the need to map a local…
You might have seen one of the presentations where Microsoft showed their idea of future NAV-based applications: It can be either a Connect App (just connects through a REST WebService API to D365/NAV), an Add-On App (adds functionality to D365/NAV through an extension) or an Embed App (deeply changes how D365/NAV works by embedding code,…
Container, Docker, NAV, on-prem, VS Code | Azure
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I had the chance to present some practical examples and scenarios around running NAV und Docker together with Jakub Vanak on a NAV-Skills Webinar (thanks a lot to Mark Brummel and Liberty Grove, especially Joe Mathis and Rick Williams). You can find the recording here and the presentation here. Also keep an eye on Jakub's…
As interacting with WebServices, especially JSON/REST based WebServices, becomes more and more important, it was very good to see that the new NAV dev environment made it quite easy to do exactly that a couple of releases ago. After reading AJ Kauffmann's excellent blog post on that topic, I had the idea to auto-generate that…
AL, VS Code | code generation, New Dev Environment
1 Kommentar
As you probably know there is a very nice NAV App for iOS (and Android). For very good reasons this App however only connects to NAV WebClients secured by https. This is no problem using a NAV Container as it will by default also serve an https-secured WebClient. However if you don't use an official…
When Freddy Kristiansen, Jakub Vanak and I talked about NAV on Docker at NAV TechDays, the first two questions from the audience were "can I connect NAV on Docker to an existing SQL database?" But in a short answer we could only say "yes, absolutely" but not really explain it. (more…)
If you are a NAV developer working with Docker containers and the new dev environment aka VS Code (or for that matter anyone using Docker containers and VS Code), then you should very much look into the Docker extension for VS Code. It lets you see the registries you are using, the containers running on…
Container, Docker, VS Code | DevOps, Docker, New Dev Environment, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
Part of the appeal of Docker as part of a CI/CD pipeline is the idea that you have identical dev, test, qa and prod images or at least as close as possible to identical. However there are drawbacks to that approach as building software often requires more libraries and tools than running it (often called…
AL, Container, Dynamics 365, NAV, on-prem, VS Code | AppVeyor, DevOps, Docker, New Dev Environment, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
Shipping software products has come a long way from "once every couple of years" to "your users might get a new feature in the next 5 minutes in your Cloud offering". And even if your market and your customers are not calling for such quick changes, as Marko Perisic very well explains here, being always…
AL, Container, Docker, NAV | AppVeyor, CI, Continuous Integration, Docker, GitHub
0 Kommentare
Running NAV inside a Container has many benefits but one of the probably most obvious ones when you start to work with it is the ease of deployment: Running a NAV container with SQL and WebClient embedded is as easy as docker run -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y navdocker.azurecr.io/dynamics-nav. But that assumes that you have Docker installed and…
Container, Docker, NAV | Azure, Docker, Windows Container
7 Kommentare
As I wrote here, there is an easy way to enter into a PowerShell container session, which I enhanced a bit in the second iteration to do dynamic name resolution for the containers. (more…)
Docker, NAV | DevOps, Docker, PowerShell, Windows
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I usually write about specific technical problems and their solution but this will be a more general post. I was at Directions NA this year and saw the excitement - though not in a positive way - that the opening keynote generated. To be completely honest I wasn't listening too closely as because of sheer…
AL, C/AL, Dynamics 365, NAV, VS Code
A tweet by Stefan Scherer (highly recommended follow!) made me aware, that with the latest Insider Preview of Windows Server you can run Linux Containers on Windows. Unfortunately his Vagrant box didn't work for me, very likely because of my severely limited Vagrant knowhow. Therefore I decided to set it up manually. As I probably…
Yesterday I had the pleasure to be on stage with Freddy Kristiansen talking about NAV on Docker and - for me - he announced something big: official support for NAV on Docker. (more…)
Container, Docker, NAV, on-prem | DevOps, Docker, New Dev Environment, SQL Server on Linux, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
I'm very happy to be "on stage" for the first time at Directions EMEA, NA and TechDays. If you are there as well, come join me for Sessions and Workshops about NAV on Docker hosted by Freddy Kristiansen, Jakub Vanak and me. Detailed dates are: (more…)
Docker, NAV | Conference, Directions, Docker, Speaker, TechDays, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
This is a follow-up to the last post by Tobias about the self-contained NAV containers. The idea is to have docker images with NAV server, database and the matching NAV clients to quickly deploy an older version of our software for reproducing of fixing bugs. This way we want to overcome the need of having…
You might have seen here that Microsoft NAV is now officially on it's way to support Docker / Windows Containers. The scope is not defined yet, but you can see the Dockerfiles here and if you contact Freddy Kristiansen you might get access to a Azure-based repository containing current images. Looking back nine months to…
Container, DLL, Docker | DevOps, Docker, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
As I wrote here you can conveniently enter a running Container through PowerShell. As I am lazy (and hate doing repeating stuff) I created an additional function which makes it even easier. You could probably have done the same in five minutes but maybe it saves you at least those five… 🙂 With that in…
Container, Docker | Docker, Windows Container
0 Kommentare
When you get used to it, working with the CLI for Docker / Windows Containers is quite easy but having a GUI is more convenient, especially for newcomers. A very good GUI for Docker / Windows Containers is Portainer, which is free and you can get services and support from the company behind it. I…
AL, Container, Docker, Dynamics 365 | Docker, New Dev Environment, Portainer, Windows Container
7 Kommentare